Our member schools
The member schools of the Groupement FLE, players in their own right
In 2023, 38 French as a Foreign Language centres and 3 individual members have chosen to join the Groupement FLE.
Some of them have trusted the Groupement for years, for others it is a first. In all cases, being part of the Groupement FLE means becoming part of a community of peers that enjoys a strong spirit of mutualisation. Our members receive a regular newsletter listing the latest actions of the Groupement as well as news to know in the world of FLE. They take part in the General Assembly, have individual access to the virtual forum where everyone can share their experience, ask questions to their peers, find legal and social information, etc…
Moreover, the Groupement FLE’s desire is to see its members succeed. Each member is supported in a personal way in his or her progress: an application for a label, participation in a trade fair, conquering new markets, etc. The administrative staff of the member centres benefit exclusively from Administrative Training Days, the only ones of their kind in France. The Groupement FLE is the only training organisation in France to offer such training.
Finally, the Groupement FLE is careful to maintain neutrality with each of its members. Competition disappears where mutual aid is reborn.
You will find on this page a photo library presenting some of our members, as well as a complete list of their contact details and a map of the centres.