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Legal information

Editor is published by Groupement FLE .

Head Office and Coordination : 2 rue de Verdun – 34000 Montpellier (France)
Tél: + 33 (0)6 16 09 32 72

Non-profit organisation 1901 n° 00189770 P
Siret n° 511 612 715 00017
TradeCode APE n° 9499Z

Publication director 

M.Cappadoro Gilles

Design & development

Bleu ciel communication – Lucille Contejean
Graphiste & webdesigner freelance


Frédéric de Caunes
Archabe SAS


2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix

Intellectual property and branding

All components of this website such as text, graphics, logos, sounds, photos, animation and videos are Groupement FLE’s property, with the exception of items from its partners, and are thus protected by the legislation pertaining to copyright and image rights. Use, distribution, copy, reproduction, modification, alteration and transmission of the site and its components is strictly forbidden without prior written authorisation from Groupement FLE and the copyrighters (for use of a limited number of items such as text, images, sounds and logos). Non-adherence to this rule may constitute forgery of intellectual property rights or copyright infringement for which you may be held responsible and legal action may be taken. 

Site contents

Information provided on the following website is for your information only:
Groupement FLE cannot guarantee that this information is accurate, complete or up to date. Groupement FLE strives to provide visitors with information and tools that have been checked but it will not be held responsible for mistakes, omissions or unavailable information and services. The website visitor is therefore responsible for the information that he/she uses. Groupement FLE cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused by using the following website: Sites that have a link on Groupement FLE’s site are not under Groupement FLE’s control and Groupement FLE has no responsibility or liability for their content. The visitor is responsible for his/her use of the sites.

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act

In accordance with Act n°78-17 of January 6th 1978 pertaining to data, files, freedom of information, you reserve the right to access, modify, rectify and withdraw any data that concerns you. If you would like to exercise this right then please write to: Coordination Groupement FLE – 2 rue de Verdun- F- 34000 MONTPELLIER