Find a French school
in Montpellier
Learning French in Montpellier, one of the most dynamic metropolises in the south of France, means enjoying a setting combining history, modernity and the gentle Mediterranean way of life.
Founded in the Middle Ages, the city retains a picturesque medieval quarter. The Arc de Triomphe, the Place de la Comédie, the Ecusson and the famous Faculty of Medicine, the first medical school in Europe, bear witness to several centuries of cultural and scientific influence. Montpellier, however, continues to grow, notably with Antigone, the chic and modern district of neoclassical inspiration.
The leading student metropolis in France, it stands out for its universities, research centers and innovative companies, particularly in the biotechnology, digital and renewable energy sectors.
The Fabre Museum, the Corum, the theaters and various artistic events offer a rich and diverse cultural program. The Montpellier art of living is characterized by conviviality, a sense of celebration and a Mediterranean sweetness of life which is also found in its gastronomy: seafood, wines from local vineyards, local products.
Montpellier is a destination of choice for learning French in France while discovering a festive culture and authentic gastronomy.

Our French schools in Montpellier
33 Grand Rue Jean Moulin 34000 Montpellier
2 Rue de Verdun 34000 Montpellier
6 Rue Foch 34000 Montpellier