Find a French school
in Brest
Brest is located at the tip of Brittany. This resolutely modern, dynamic port city, in perpetual motion, offers you a unique experience for a French course.
The city benefits from a magnificent natural site: protected from the ocean by a picturesque rocky coast, surrounded by a countryside with a mild climate, very favorable to agriculture, it extends along an inland sea of 150 km2.
Rich in its maritime past, Brest demonstrates an intense scientific culture directly linked to the sea, and real concerns connected to the environmental challenges of tomorrow. An important university center, the city is the headquarters of study and research organizations such as IFREMER, the Hydrographic Service of the Navy and the Polar Institute of France.
Learning French in Brest opens up many possibilities: visits to exceptional sites – such as Océanopolis, the Petit Minou lighthouse or the “abers” coast – nautical activities, cruises on the harbor or hikes all along the coast. In less than 30 minutes, you go from the bustle of a modern city to the calm of a sandy beach or a paddle ride. You should also not miss a visit to the island of Ouessant, a place steeped in legends.
At the Saint-Louis market or directly from the producer, gastronomy lovers will find seafood, oysters and fish as well as pancakes, Plougastel strawberries or Molène sausage. Without forgetting the tasty buckwheat pancakes.
Without doubt, a French language stay in Brest leaves rich memories.

Our French school in Brest
Rue du Gué Fleuri 29480 Le Relecq-Kerhuon